What's new in December 2020?

  • Two major UI changes have been made to our application. We have replaced out grid styled tables with bulky filters and adopted a light, clean & intuitive table with a compressed filter section.
  • The Action buttons are neatly arranged in groups of threes. If there are more buttons, we have clubbed them & given easy access to the most commonly used actions
  • The filters are combined in a single menu and they now come with a smart indicator dot so that you are aware that the results on the page are filtered
  • Our modals (commonly known as pop-ups) have been standardized and also button & text alignment has been updated to make it more intuitive to use
  • The changelogs that were built for employee master data and admin & licensor permission can now be downloaded in bulk from the HR reports section
  • As per the announcement made by our Finance Minister Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman we are allowing you to upload GST bills while claiming for Leave Travel Concession (LTC) Scheme-Covid-19. Read our blog post here for more details.

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