The "Organization" Module is re-organized

The ‘Organization’ module made concise and easy:

  • Quikchex has introduced some minor yet substantial changes to your admin sidebar to optimize your experience with the portal and make it more organized and user-friendly.
  • We have re-formatted the ‘Organization’ module by creating a few subdivisions and incorporating them under a single subdivision, making the module more compact. 
  • Here's where you'll see exactly where the headings are placed.


Moved to

  1. Company Profile
  2. Work Location
  3. Departments
  4. Company Holidays
  5. Employee Fields Settings
  6. Company Bank Account
  7. Calendar Milestones and Events
Organisation >> Organisation Settings
  1. Manage Administrator
  2. Third-Party Users
  3. Employee Permissions
Organisation >> User Settings
  1. Company Documents
  2. Letter Templates
Organisation >> Document+ Letters
  1. Onboarding Settings
  2. OffBoarding Settings
  3. Confirmation Settings
  4. Notice Period Settings
Organization >> HR Work Flow  Settings
  1. Calendar
  2. Organisation Tree

Current UI

This is how the "Organization" module is currently organized.

New UI

This is how the "Organization" module will be organized once the new update goes live.

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