What's new in March 2024?

We are excited to announce the latest updates to our HRMS platform in the March 2024 edition. These enhancements are designed to improve user experience, streamline navigation, and provide more efficient tools for managing HR processes. In this update, you find significant improvements in UI design, the relocation of specific settings for better accessibility, and the addition of new functionalities. Here’s a detailed look at what's new:

1. Reports UI Enhancement:

We're excited to announce that we've revamped the Reports UI to improve accessibility and organization. Previously, all reports were accessible from the outer menu, but now they have been moved to a dedicated page for all reports. This change makes it easier for you to locate and access the reports you need, leading to increased efficiency in managing your HR data and making informed decisions.

2. Investment Settings Update:

We've updated the location of the Investment Settings feature to better align with your organization's configuration. Previously found under Organisation > Investment Setting, it can now be accessed via Organisation > Organisation Settings > Investment Settings. This adjustment ensures a more intuitive navigation experience, allowing you to configure investment settings with ease.

3. Grouped Expense Line Items in PDF:

In response to your feedback, we've enhanced the readability of expense reports by grouping line items based on categories in PDF format. This improvement enhances the clarity and organization of expense data, making it easier for you to review and analyze expenses efficiently. Moreover, we are equipping the PDF with the capability to reflect custom fields as well.

4. Leave Balances UI Enhancement:

We've enhanced the UI for the Leave Balances screen, making it smoother to navigate through the leave balances of employees, thus enhancing your user experience. This feature will be deployed shortly for your perusal.

5. Flexi Benefit UI Enhancement:

We have renewed Flexi Benefit screen as a one-stop solution to manage Flexi benefits for all of your employees. This enables you to be more efficient with the system.

6. Pending & Completed Bifurcation:

We have made enhancement in the HRMS application bifurcates pending and completed applications under separate tabs, providing a more intuitive user experience, increased efficiency and clearer status tracking. This enhancement aims to streamline workflow and enhance client experience. This feature is available for Generated Letters, Leave Applications, Attendance Regularization Requests, Expenses, Flexi-Benefit and Leave Comp-Off.

These updates are part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the functionality and usability of our HRMS platform. By making these changes, we aim to provide a more intuitive and efficient user experience, helping you manage HR tasks with greater ease. We appreciate your continued trust in our platform and look forward to bringing you more updates and improvements in the future. If you have any questions or feedback about these updates, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

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