What's new in September 2020?
- Continuing with our ongoing UI updates we have added multiple graphs in the admin & employee dashboards which will give every user useful information at a glance. We have also added a What's New link in the notifications bubble so that you can stay up to date with all the latest changes in the portal. Stay tuned for more amazing changes

- We already had a powerful attendance process algorithm and now we have made it even better. You now have the ability to treat invalid records (i.e. employee has marked attendance only once in the day, either check-in or check-out) as a half-day present. This will help reduce unnecessary leave deductions if the employee has forgotten to regularize their attendance

- Continuing with our PMS module updates we have tweaked the locking mechanism to mimic the natural flow of the appraisal cycle. Now only after all employees have submitted all assessments for a goal cycle, you can lock that particular cycle.
- A major change we have introduced in Flexi benefits is the tax-free Flexi benefit components. You can now choose to payout the unclaimed Flexi amount as tax-free every month till a particular month. Then from the threshold month, the employees need to submit their Flexi claims with receipts or else the tax-free amount credited so for will now be considered taxable

- We have added a few search bars on the branch & work location tables to make it easy to search address, city & state

- We have added two new comp off reports. The first one is the comp off earning report which gives you information about all the comp off requests made. The second one is the comp off balances reports which tells you the total comp off earned, utilized, lapsed & available for every employee

- We have added an approval flow and electronic document signing features in our letter generation module. Click here to know more