Where do I check the status for my Expense application?
- Click on the “Expense” tab towards the left.
- Go to “My Expenses”

- Here you will be able to view the status of your expense applications. Your status could be any of one of the following:
- Not Submitted: This means that your expense report has not yet been sent to your approver and that you will need to submit it once you have finalized all expenses under this report.
- Approved: This means that your expense report has been approved by your supervisor but may not have been reimbursed (or processed) to you
- Rejected: This means that your expense report has been denied by your level 1 or level 2 supervisor
- Level 1 Approval Pending: This means that your expense report has yet to be approved by your primary supervisor
- Level 2 Approval Pending: This means that your expense report has been approved by your primary supervisor, but is yet to be approved by your 2nd level supervisor
- Reimbursed: This means that your Finance Team is/has likely credited the approved expense report back to your bank account. Note: This isn’t necessarily always the case, as there might be a delay between the date an expense report is marked as reimbursed and when the final payment is actually credited back to you