What is the day status? How is it computed?

  • The day status is based on your check-in and check-out time and can be any one of the following:
    • P” (Present): this means you have completed the required hours for the day and do not have a deduction
    • A” (Absent): this means you have not completed the minimum hours required for even a half-day and will be treated as absent
    • HDA” (Half Day Absent): this means that you have completed the required hours for a half-day credit, but not enough for a Full Day Credit
    • L” (Leave): All leave will be annotated with an abbreviation defined for that leave category. For example, Privilege Leave could be denoted as “PL” and Casual Leave could be denoted as “CL
    • WO” (Weekly Off): This will be your company’s weekly off for which you will not have any deduction for not being present
    • H” (Holiday): This will be your company’s weekly off for which you will not have any deduction for not being present
    • HDL” (Half Day Leave):  Any leave for which the employee has completed enough hours required to be marked as present for half-a-day AND has applied for a half-day leave application, will be reflected as an “HDL” status. The "L" would be replaced with the abbreviation defined for the leave category. For example "HDPL" or "HDCL"
    • HDL + HDA” (Half Day Leave + Half Day Absent): Any leave for which the employee has not completed enough hours required to be marked as present for half-a-day AND has applied for a half-day leave application, will be reflected as a “HDL + HDA” status. The "L" would be replaced with the abbreviation defined for the leave category. For example "HDPL" or "HDCL"
    • Invalid” this status is reflected if the employee is missing a check out time, even though a check-in time is present. In this case, the employee will have to apply for a regularization request. Otherwise, his/her attendance will not be able to be processed

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