How do I view a list of all employee events (birthdays, work anniversaries etc.)?

We're excited to announce the latest update to our HRMS Calendar Module! This update brings a fresh new user interface and enhanced functionality, making it easier for administrators to manage and view important employee-related events. In this article, we'll walk you through how to access and navigate the updated Calendar Module, as well as the new features we've added.

Accessing the Calendar Module

To access the Calendar Module, follow these simple steps:

  1. Login as an Admin: Begin by logging into the HRMS with your admin credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Dashboard: Once logged in, you will be directed to the dashboard.
  3. Go to the Employees Module: From the dashboard, click on the Employees Module.
  4. Open the Calendar: Within the Employees Module, find and click on the sub-module named Calendar.

Exploring the Calendar Module

Upon entering the Calendar Module, you will notice the following enhancements:

  1. Events of the Month: On the left-hand side of the screen, you will now see a list of events for the current month. These events include:
    • Approved Leaves
    • Birthdays
    • Work Anniversaries
    • First Days
    • On-boarding Tasks
    • Off-boarding Tasks
  2. Detailed Event Views: Click on any event listed on the left-hand side to see a detailed view of that date. This feature allows you to quickly understand the specifics of each event, such as which employee is on leave.
  3. Monthly Navigation: You can easily switch between months to view past or upcoming events by using the month navigation feature.
  4. Detailed Date View: If you click on a particular date on the calendar, a detailed view of all events for that specific day will be displayed. This allows you to see all the activities and events scheduled for that date, including who is on leave, birthdays, anniversaries, and more.

Using the New Buttons

The new buttons on the left side of the Calendar Module provide quick access to various types of events. Here's a brief overview of each button:

  • Approved Leaves: View a list of all employees who have approved leaves for the selected month.
  • Birthdays: See which employees are celebrating birthdays.
  • Work Anniversaries: Check out which employees are marking work anniversaries.
  • First Days: Identify new hires and their starting dates.
  • On-boarding Tasks: Keep track of your tasks for new hires.
  • Off-boarding Tasks: Manage your tasks for employees who are leaving the organization.

The updated Calendar Module is designed to improve your experience by providing a more intuitive and comprehensive view of employee events. We hope these enhancements will help you manage your team more efficiently. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

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