How to Add an Attendance Template in Quikchex HRMS

This guide will walk you through the process of creating a new attendance template in Quikchex HRMS.

Access the Attendance Template Setup

  1. Log in to your admin account.
  2. Navigate to Attendance > Settings > Templates > Add Template.

  • Step 1: Provide Basic Details

    1. Label for the Template: Assign a name to your Attendance Policy.
    2. Timezone: Specify the timezone applicable for this policy.

      Attendance Capture Mode: Choose one of the following methods:

      • Web Check-in: Online check-in via the Quikchex portal.
      • Biometric: Attendance through a biometric system.
      • Manual Upload: Enter time manually in the Quikchex portal.
      • Mobile App: Check-in/out using the mobile app.
    3. Restriction on Viewing Limited Fields in Attendance Record (Employee Self-login) : The admin can restrict employees from viewing certain fields in their attendance sheet. Fields that can be restricted include:
      • In Time
      • Out Time
      • Late/Early Marks
      • Shift Time
      • Working Hours
      • Deviation Hours
    4. Handling Missing Check-ins/Check-outs: Select how the system manages incomplete attendance records:
      • Consider as Invalid: Requires regularization before processing.
      • Regularize to Default Times: Automatically adjusts to default shift timings.
      • Partial Regularization: Adjusts only check-out timings.
      • Deduct Based on Hierarchy: Applies leave or deduction automatically.
      • Half-Day Deduction: Marks half-day leave for incomplete attendance.
      • Consider single checkin as present : marks the employee present if he/she marks attendance at any point of time in the shift duration.
    5. Late Marks and Early Check-outs: Specify if late/early deductions apply (detailed in Step 3).
    6. Overtime Policy: Indicate if overtime rules apply (detailed in Step 4).
    7. Half-Day Working Exemption: Allow reduced hours for full-day credit.
    8. Weekly Offs and Holidays in Overtime/LOP: Define whether weekly offs/holidays count as overtime or LOP based on attendance records.
    9. Prefix/Suffix Leave Deduction: Set the minimum working hours to prevent LOP for sandwich days.
    10. Regularization Comments: Specify if comments are mandatory for regularization requests.

      Approvers and Approval Levels:

      • Define common or employee-specific approvers.
      • Set 1 or 2 levels of approval.
      • Assign primary/secondary approvers.
    11. Hierarchy for Absenteeism: Configure how leave categories handle absent/half-day records.

  • Attendance Regularization (Set permissions and notifications): Step 2

  • "Would you like to restrict the IP address that the employees can check-in/check-out?" - Select Yes and add your office network IP  addresses here so that employees can use the web check-in feature only when they log into their Quikchex account while they are in the office premises
  • "Would you like to restrict Locations from which employee can mark check-in/check out using Mobile?" - This allows you to restrict your employees to check-in and check out using the mobile app only when they are physically present in office premises.
  • "Do you want to allow employees to mark attendance outside the geo-fenced locations(Approval will be mandatory for this)?" - For employees who frequently visit off-site locations(for example sales & training executives), you can allow them to mark attendance from the off-site location. Such employees would be technically submitting a geotagged regularization request, which will follow the same approval process as normal regularizations.
  • "How would you like to assign Locations for each employee?" - Here you define if all the locations created in this template are applicable to whoever this template is assigned or if they can be assigned only one location out of these. Once you click on Add Location you will see a map using which you can choose the location and the attendance marking radius.
  • "Do you want employees to enter comments while marking attendance via mobile app?" - While marking attendance using the mobile app, employees can specify a mandatory comment if required. This is different than submitting a geotagged regularization request as this does not need additional approval. The comments are visible in the attendance logs
  • "Can employees regularize their own attendance entries?" - Select Yes if you want to allow the employees to submit their own regularization requests. If set to No then it will be the responsibility of the reporting supervisor or the admin to regularize on behalf of the employee
  • "Within how many days can the employee apply for regularization from the date of occurrence?(Leave blank for no limit)" - Here you can specify within how many days the employee should submit their regularization request. For example if the company mandates that all employees need to submit any regularization requests within 3 days of the actual date and an employee needs to regularize their attendance for 5th May, they have until 8th May to regularize their attendance. Leave blank if you do not have any such policy. Specifying 0 days means that the regularization request must be submitted on the same day itself.
  • "Does the employee's supervisor need to approve every regularization request?" - Select Yes to ensure that the request follows the approval flow. Selecting No will cause auto-approval of the request on submission
  • "Should the admin/supervisor receive a notification every time an employee regularizes?" - Choose whom you want to notify about the regularization requests submitted by the employees
  • "Can supervisors regularize their subordinate's attendance entries?" - Choose whether you want to allow the reporting supervisor of the employee to add the regularization request on behalf of the employee. If the supervisor is the only approver or is the second level approver then the request will get auto-approved. If the supervisor is the first level approver then the request will be pending at the second level approver
  • "Should the admin/employee receive a notification every time a supervisor regularizes on behalf of an employee?" - Similar to employee settings. Choose whom you want to notify about the regularization requests submitted by the reporting supervisor
  • "Can the admin edit regularize attendance entries?" - Choose whether you want the admin to be able to regularize employees' attendance. All requests added by admins are auto-approved
  • "Should the supervisor receive a notification every time an admin regularizes on behalf of employee?" - Similar to employee settings. Choose whom you want to notify about the regularization requests submitted by the admin
  • "Should weekly email notification for missing check in/check out be sent?" - You can choose whether you want to inform employees, their supervisor and admins if any employee has not marked their attendance. This is a summarized email notification which will be sent out every week on Monday and on 1st day of a new attendance cycle

Late marks and Early Check outs: Step 3

  • "How many grace minutes do you grant the employee relative to his/her check in/out time?" - This is the grace period the employee has to prevent any accumulation of late or early marks
  • "Maximum no. of minutes employee can come late from the shift starting time to avoid a force full penalty" - If employee exceeds this duration then there is a straight deduction of Half or Full Day
  • "Would you like to clear the late/early mark if the employee completes a certain number of hours in the day?" - If Yes then you can specify the number of working hours employee needs to clock in to clear off their late mark
  • "How do you treat late and early mark deduction ?" - Choose whether the deduction policy for late & early marks are the same or different
  • "Please select the logic upon which late marks will affect attendance?" - Define how do you want to deal with the late marks. Eg: On 2nd late day deduct half/full day (only 2 nd late day will be penalized). Or  After 3 rd late-day deduct half/full day (after 3rd every late day will be penalized). Or every 3 rd late-day deduct half/full day (3rd, 6th, 9th late day and so on will be penalized)
  • "Please select the logic upon which early marks will affect attendance?" - Define how do you want to deal with the early marks. Eg: On 2nd early day deduct half/full day (only 2 nd early day will be penalized). Or After 3 rd early day deduct half/full day (after 3rd every early day will be penalized). Or   Every 3 rd early day deduct half/full day (3rd, 6th, 9th early day and so on will be penalized)             

Over time policy: Step 4

  • "How is Overtime calculated?" - Specify when does the system starts calculating the overtime duration for employees. It could be immediately after the total hours of the shift have been completed or after a certain grace period after completing the total hours
  • "What is the grace minutes for the shift?" - Specify the grace period after which overtime calculation will start
  • "Should employee be credited for the grace period once overtime is applicable?" - Choose whether to include the grace period in the total overtime duration
  • "What is the base unit for calculating Overtime?" - Choose whether overtime is calculated in minutes, hours or days
  • "What are the minimum minutes/hours per day that the employee should work to get credit for a Half/Full Day of Overtime?" - Specify how the overtime credit is determined based on the overtime duration recorded
  • "What is the smallest unit to for OT calculation?" - This is applicable if overtime is calculated in hours. If the overtime duration captured is not in multiples of hours, choose whether to round it to the nearest half an hour or hour. For example if the overtime duration is 7 hours & 36 minutes, choose whether to round it up to 7 hours & 30 minutes or just 7 hours
  • "Upto how many minutes of shortfall in meeting the smallest unit can be rounded up to the nearest unit?" - This is applicable if overtime is calculated in hours. Specify the minimum threshold for minutes to be converted into the nearest hour. For example if the value of shortfall minutes is 15 and an overtime duration of 7 hours & 45 minutes is recorded (falling short of 15 minutes to make 8 hours), we can round that up to 8 hours.

Half Day Working Hours Exemption: Step 5

  • "How many grace minutes employee is allowed after/before the shift start/end time to be marked as present?" - Here you can define grace minutes permissible for coming late from shift start time and grace minutes permissible for early leaving from shift end time to avail this exemption.
  • "How do you treat late coming and early leaving exemptions?" - Choose whether the exemption policy for late coming and early leaving are the same or different
  • "Please select the frequency restriction for late coming/early leaving exemption" - You can define the maximum number of exemptions an employee can avail.
  • "Select days on which half day working hours exemption is applicable" - You can also choose on which days of the week the exemption will be applicable.

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