How do I run the payroll process?

  1. From the dashboard, go to the left panel>> Click on Payroll >> Run payroll to open the payroll dashboard
  2. The month is selected by default.

Note: If the previous month's payroll is pending you will not be able to run the current month's payroll. However, you need to complete the previous month's pending payroll and then only you can run payroll.

  1. Towards the right side "Summary" you will get the status details and down there is "Payroll inputs", "Run Payroll" and through 3 dot you can "Upload Payroll Output"
  2. The Payroll inputs, its divided into 3 sections Active Employees, FNF Employees, Hold Employees
  3. Click on any employee name you will get their details toward the right to add the respective LOP days and Variable Allowance, Variable Deduction, Arrears and IT & PT Overwrite amounts.

Note: Amounts added in the Variable Allowance, Variable Deduction, Arrears and IT & PT Overwrite amounts can be edited and deleted.


Through "Actions" you can take action on "employee hold", "LOP days", "Variable Payment", "Encashment and Recovery", "Arrears" and "Overwrite" which can be uploaded in an Excel sheet.

  1. After entering all inputs click Run Payroll.

  1. After selecting "Run Payroll" you will get the option - Would you like to run for all employees "YES or NO"

If NO then there is a filter of "Include Certain Employees" or "Exclude Certain Employees" or "Include Only FNF Employees" and a filter of "Some Employees" or "Specific Employees"

  1. Select "Run" and you will receive a pie chart of "Payroll in Progress" on the right side.

  1. Once the payroll has been completed. Refresh the page, in the dashboard "Summary" status of the payroll processing will reflect the Total Employee, FNF and Hold Employee.
  2. Down from 3 dots, you can Approve Payroll, Re-run Payroll and Clear Payroll
  3. After approving payroll in the Payroll Outputs section, you can perform tasks like download the salary register, view, publish or unpublish payslips and download the variance report.

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