How do I upload employee's form 16 in the system?
- Log into your admin account & go to Payroll >> Payslips >> Form 16s
- Click on the "Bulk Upload" button
- Select the Financial Year. Please note that from FY 2019-2020 onwards we are allowing you to upload parts A & B separately. Prior to that, you can upload only a combined form 16 PDF file
- Select the form 16 part (A, B or Combined), choose the document name format (PAN, Aadhar, Employee Code, or Email) and attach the ZIP file with the documents.
- Please ensure that the names of the files in the ZIP file are as per the document name format defined. For example, if the document name format selected in PAN, then the PDF files should be named as per the PAN number of the employee for whom you are uploading the form 16
- Choose whether you wish to inform the employees via email that their form 16 is available in the system or no
- Click on the "Upload" button