How to do Offboarding General Settings?

  • From the dashboard, go to the left panel>> Click on Organization
  • Select Offboarding Settings >> go to General Settings >> Click on Edit
  • "Who can initiate Separation other than the Admin?" Select from the dropdown - "Employee" or "Reporting Supervisor" or "Level Up Supervisor" or "Head Of Department"
  • Then you set the level of approvals. i.e. "Only Admin" or "Level 1" or "Level 2"

Note: Admin will be selected in default for both initiate and approvals

  • Set exit interview mandatory : "YES" or "NO"
  • We can also restrict the resignation date by "No Back-dated Resignations" or "No Future Resignation Dates"
  • You can also upload instructions for employees in a document
  • Any document need to upload while separation: "YES" or "NO", If "YES" then you can upload the template and label it.

Note: Based on the initiation of separation and the level of approvals, you can set permissions for users in the question fields

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