What is a Survey?

In HRMS (Human Resource Management System), a survey typically refers to a method of gathering feedback and opinions from employees within an organization. These surveys can cover a wide range of topics, such as employee satisfaction, engagement, performance evaluations, training needs, or even general organizational climate.

The purpose of conducting surveys in HRMS is to assess and understand the sentiments and opinions of employees, which can be valuable for making informed decisions and improvements within the organization. It's a tool for HR professionals to gather data, identify areas of concern, and implement strategies to enhance the overall employee experience.

Types of Survey

General Survey: A general survey in the context of HRMS refers to a comprehensive feedback mechanism that covers various aspects of the employee experience within an organization. This survey may include questions related to overall job satisfaction, work environment, communication, training, and other relevant areas. The aim is to gather a broad understanding of how employees perceive their roles and the organization as a whole.

Onboarding Survey: An onboarding survey is specifically designed to collect feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience. It typically includes questions about the effectiveness of the onboarding process, the clarity of information provided, the quality of training, and overall satisfaction with the orientation. Onboarding surveys help organizations improve their onboarding programs to ensure a smoother and more positive experience for new employees.

Exit Survey: An exit survey is conducted when an employee is leaving the organization, voluntarily or involuntarily. It aims to gather insights into the reasons for the employee's departure, their overall experience working for the company, and any suggestions for improvement. Exit surveys are valuable for identifying patterns in employee turnover, understanding potential areas for organizational improvement, and making strategic decisions to enhance employee retention in the future.

Methods for collecting feedback

  • NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Description: NPS is a widely used metric for measuring employee loyalty.

How it works: Respondents are asked to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 how likely they are to recommend a product, service, or the company to others.

Interpretation: Scores are categorized as Promoters(9-10), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0-6). The Net Promoter Score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

Click here to learn more about NPS

  • Textbox

Description: Allows respondents to provide open-ended, qualitative feedback in their own words.

How it works: Respondents can type out their thoughts, opinions, or comments without any predetermined choices.

Use cases: Useful for collecting detailed feedback, suggestions, or comments that may not fit into predefined categories.

  • Single Select Checkbox:

Description: Provides a list of options, and respondents can choose only one option.

How it works: Respondents select the most appropriate option from a list of predefined choices.

Use cases: Ideal for questions where a single response is required, and options are mutually exclusive.

  • Multi-Select Checkbox:

Description: Similar to single select, but respondents can choose multiple options.

How it works: Respondents can select more than one option from a list of predefined choices.

Use cases: Suitable for questions where multiple responses may apply, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of preferences or opinions.

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