How to Assign Assessors in the Confirmation Process ?
In Quikchex HRMS system, assigning assessors is a straightforward process designed to facilitate a thorough review of employees nearing the end of their probation period. This article will guide you through the steps of navigating the Confirmation Requests sub-module, reviewing the UI layout, and assigning assessors with specific templates.
Understanding the Confirmation Requests Sub-module UI
The Confirmation Requests sub-module has a refreshed, user-friendly layout that enables easy management of pending and completed confirmations.
UI Overview
- Upon accessing the Confirmation Requests sub-module, you will see a new, organized UI with sections for Pending Confirmations and Completed Confirmations.
- You can toggle between pending and completed confirmations by clicking on the respective buttons.
- Search and Filter Options
- The sub-module allows you to search for employees by name, employee code, or other criteria.
- Additionally, you can filter confirmation requests based on various parameters, making it easier to locate specific employees.
- Employee Information Display
- For each employee listed, you’ll see details such as:
- Employee Name
- Joining Date
- Confirmation Due Date
- Status (whether they are on probation or confirmed)
- For each employee listed, you’ll see details such as:
- The Assessments column displays the completion status of the assigned assessment template(s). For example, “2 out of 6 completed” shows that two out of six assigned assessors have completed their assessments.
- Probation Extensions
- If an employee’s probation has been extended previously, this information is displayed as the Prior Probation Extensions count.
- Actions Column
- In the Actions column, there are several icons:
- Plus (+) icon to add or change assessors.
- Eye icon to view feedback submitted by assessors.
- Take Action button to confirm the employee or extend the probation period.
- In the Actions column, there are several icons:
Steps to Assign Assessors
Follow these steps to assign assessors to an employee for the confirmation process:
- Access the Confirmation Requests Sub-module
- Log in to the HRMS system with admin credentials.
- Navigate to the Employees Module and select Confirmation Requests from the menu.
- Locate the Employee
- Use the search bar or filters to find the employee whose confirmation is pending.
- Once located, click on the Plus (+) icon in the Actions column to initiate the assessor assignment process.
- Add Assessors
- A dialog box will open, allowing you to select assessors for the employee.
- For each assessor, you can:
- Select the Assessor Name from the dropdown list of available supervisors or department heads.
- Assign an Assessment Template based on the assessor’s role.
- For example, assign Template 1 to the Reporting Supervisor, Template 2 to the Level of Supervisor, and Template 3 to the HOD.
- Unlike the previous system where all assessors shared one template, you can now assign different templates to each assessor.
- Enable Recommendation Action
- Enable the Recommendation Action checkbox if you want the assessor to provide a recommendation. This will allow them to suggest whether to confirm the employee or extend their probation.
Note: While assessors can make recommendations, the final decision rests with the Admin.
Save the Assessor Assignments
- After selecting the assessors and configuring the assessment templates, click Save to finalize the assignments.
With the enhanced Confirmation Requests UI and flexibility in assigning different assessment templates to various assessors, managing the employee confirmation process is more efficient than ever. By assigning assessors through these steps, you ensure a well-rounded evaluation process tailored to each employee's role and performance. This structured approach supports informed decision-making and aligns with organizational requirements.