How do I add a leave category?
- Go to Leaves tab>>Settings>>Leave Categories
- Click on “+ Leave Category” on the right side of the page

- "Please choose the type of leave": Choose between a General Leave, Annual Non-Accrual Leave, and Comp Off
- General Leave: A standard leave category that a user accrues after they fulfill certain conditions. The balance for this category can be carried over or lapsed.
- Annual Non-Accrual Leave: A leave category that a user can use after they fulfill certain conditions. As this is a non-accrual leave category there is no balance that can be carried over or lapsed.
- Comp Off:
- Enter the name and abbreviation for the leave category. Set the accrual frequency (only for General Leave)
- "Do your employees accrue leave in advance?": Choose if your employees accrue leaves at the start of the leave accrual cycle or at the end of the leave accrual cycle (only for General Leave)
- "What is your policy with regards to carryover limits?": Specify how do you manage the closing balance of the users at the end of the leave cycle (only for General Leave)
- No Carryover: The entire closing leave balance gets lapsed once the leave cycle changes
- Carryover Cap: Certain amount of the closing leave balance as specified in the leave template will get carried over to the new leave cycle
- No Limit: The entire closing leave balance gets carried over to the new leave cycle
- "Are employees allowed to have negative leave balance?": Specify if the employees can apply for leave for a larger period than that allowed as per their leave balance (only for General Leave)
- "How would you like to pro-rate the first month’s accrual for new joinees?": Specify how the initial balances of new users are prorated (only for General Leave)
- Fixed cut-off day of the month: Here you specify the cut-off day of the month. Employees joining on or before the cut-off day will get the full balance that they are eligible for. If a user joins after the cut-off day, they will get their balance on the next accrual. For example, if the cut-off day is the 15th of the month, new employees joining on or before the 15th of a month will get their leave
- Pro-ration by joining date in the calendar month: Here we use the joining date of a new employee to determine
- "Can employee apply a leave for this category?": Specify if you wish to allow employees to submit their own leave requests for a particular category
- "Do you want to provide a half-day option for this type of leave?": Specify if the leave request can include half day request
- "If an Annual Holiday/weekly off is part of the leave request, should it be included in the number of days taken?": Specify if you have any sandwich policy which counts Annual Holiday/weekly off days that are part of the leave request period as a leave
- "Is this a paid Leave?": Specify if this leave is paid leave
- "Number of days before which the leave application must be submitted (leave blank for no limit)": Specify how much in advance should an employee submit their leave request
- "Within how many days can the employee apply for leave from the date of occurrence? (leave blank for no limit)": Specify within how many days after the leave period can the employee submit their leave request
- "Minimum number of consecutive leave days allowed (leave blank for no limit)": Specify the minimum number of days permissible in a single leave request (only for General Leave)
- "Maximum number of consecutive leave days allowed (leave blank for no limit)": Specify the maximum number of days permissible in a single leave request (only for General Leave)
- "Are leaves separated by a weekly off/holiday considered consecutive?": Specify if multiple leave requests submitted by an employee which are separated by weekly offs or holidays should be clubbed as a single request (only for General Leave)
- "Is there any document required to be uploaded for this category?": Specify if you need the employee to submit some documentation to support their leave request. Following questions appear if you select "Yes"
- "Is document upload mandatory for this category?": Specify if the document needs to be mandatorily submitted with the leave request
- "Do you want to make document upload mandatory based on number of days in the leave request?": Define if you wish to make document upload mandatory if the leave request is for a specific number of days. Shows up if the previous question is set to "Yes"
- "Make document upload mandatory if the leave request exceeds ___ days": Specify the threshold for total leave days which do not need any document. On crossing this threshold the document upload becomes mandatory. Shows up if the previous question is set to "Yes"
- "Is there a date restriction as to when the employee can apply?": Specify if the employees can opt to use this leave only on special occasions like birthdays or work anniversaries (only for Annual Non-Accrual Leave)
- "Do you want to add lapse time for this Comp Off?": Specify if the comp-off credit earned can expire if unused (only for Comp Off)
- Once you have configured these settings click on Save Leave Type